It's full moon time once again. Time to see where we are in this month's ebb and flow. Time to shine the light on our truth right now. Maybe this excites you. The energy that's been building all month is propelling you into areas that make you want to shout from mountain tops, "YES! Life ROCKS!" And if that's where you are this weekend, celebrate it! Share your enthusiasm with others. Take the next two weeks to send a daily note of appreciation to someone new. Our excitement didn't happen in isolation. We built upon the energy provided by everything and everyone around us. Be grateful, be humble, but also remember to be the inspiration for the next person.
Maybe the idea of shining the light on your truth right now makes you grumble and say, "Perfect...just one more month of me feeling like I'm still stuck in the same place." If so, look at the truth behind this feeling. Sometimes, we're stuck in repetitive scenarios because we feel like the victim. "I can't change what he's doing to me; I can't change how my boss treats me; I can't change the stress in my life..." And because we feel stuck, the creativity juices cannot flow us into a new perspective. Whenever my mind likes to wander down this path of repetition, I use the full moon energy to change what I can. I insert my "What Makes Me Happy" list which instantly breaks my stagnant patterning. If you don't have a list like this, let's make one right now. Take 2 minutes and write down as many things you love or activities that make you feel lighter. Go ahead, I'll wait...
Now, look at that list. How many of your items have you done this month? Pick three (or more) and schedule them into this weekend. Do you love a cup of steaming chai next to a fire? Hearing a good joke? Creating something with your hands? Dancing around the kitchen with the music blaring? Watching the stars in the night sky? Giving hugs that last longer than 60 seconds? Whatever you choose to do, absorb all your attention into that moment. Chances are, if you're anything like me, you won't want to settle for just three things from your list. You'll get such rejuvenation from these small love activities that you'll crave more. Then, revisit the truth of your moment. Do you feel a shift? Even if the scenarios remain the same, has your feeling sense changed?
Maybe the idea of shining the light on your truth right now makes you grieve because it's a time of loss and letting go. You're not alone. In fact, Mother Nature is modeling the letting go process for you right now. Look out your window. See the leaves dropping from the trees. Releasing is a beautiful part of life even with the pain. Surround yourself in nature this weekend. Call upon loved ones who honor your truth right now. Wrap your arms around yourself or someone else and let your emotions flow with support. Receive the present moment knowing life will ferry you to something different when your vulnerability is shared.
Whatever the full moon reveals this weekend, embrace it and let your brilliance shine. I love hearing how the month is going for you. Leave comments below or email me. Happy Full Moon, Brilliant Souls!
Shine like the whole universe is yours - Rumi