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New Moon Exercise
Each new moon has a different flavor that helps us hone our intentions for the month ahead. Capricorn's New Moon supports longevity, consistency, and clear thinking. Use these questions to create a strategy for the new year.
1. During last month's new moon, you gained a new perspective about something in your life. What was it? Have you noticed a difference since you changed your mindset?
2. This month's new moon supports intentional goal setting. Simplify your list of 2025 objectives and identify where you want to focus your efforts this coming year.
3. How will you know when you achieved what you set out to do? How will it feel? What will change in your life once you've reached your objective?
4. What's your strategy for the new year? Do certain behaviors have to change? How will you remain consistent with your intentions? Capricorn energy supports realistic planning. Use these next 2-3 days to write out a clear and concise plan.
5. How will you hold yourself accountable throughout the year? (Some ideas include: daily/weekly/monthly journaling, meeting with an accountability friend, checklists, etc.)
6. Remember, it's easy to forget to enjoy the journey while implementing a plan. How can you celebrate small successes each week or month?
Finish these sentences and use them for the next two weeks:
My focused intention for 2025 is _______________________________. Each week/month, I will recognize and celebrate mini milestones. My consistent efforts will help me feel more ___________________ throughout the new year.
A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action becomes reality.
-Greg Reid
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